反政府示威者 Ariel Tacanha:「We are a peaceful march in the name of our brother Evo Morales Ayma to restore democracy and reduce inflation. Enough of this crooked government. (President) Mr. Luis Arce Catacora, get your act together and be aware of what you’re causing. You’ve sent mean people to confront us with dynamite, stones, and firecrackers to the people that are marching with women, children and people who are peacefully marching.(我們是和平的遊行,以Evo Morales弟兄為名,希望恢復民主、降低通膨,我們受夠了這個騙人的政府,Luis Arce 總統請你認真點、弄清楚事實,你派出惡人拿炸藥、石頭、煙火與我們對抗,我們只是和平的抗議者還有女性與小孩。)」
玻利維亞前總統 Evo Morales:「The salary has lost its purchasing value; the workers know this very well. I feel, sisters and brothers, that some authorities have never suffered what the people suffer. They will never know how the people live; that is our difference. So, the Bolivian people who struggle are revolutionary people. They are a people with revolutionary convictions, principles, and values. These people, without leaders, march peacefully to make themselves heard.(薪水已經喪失購買力,勞工感受最清楚,兄弟姊妹們我認為有些官員,從來沒有體驗過人民的痛苦,永遠不會瞭解人民的生活,這就是我們的差別,所以為生活奮鬥的玻利維亞人民是革命的人民,是擁有革命決心、原則、價值的人民,這樣的人民不需要領袖,就可以和平示威、表達意見。)」
玻利維亞總統 Luis Arce:「I have the historic responsibility to denounce to the country and to the world what could happen in the coming days in Bolivia due to your irresponsibility. In the next few days, you will begin a march and then move on to a national road blockade ending with an attempted coup against a popular government. It is something for which you will have to give an account to our people sooner or later.(我有歷史責任向全國與全世界譴責,你(Morales)這種不負責任的行為,對玻利維亞可能造成的危害,在接下來幾天你會發動遊行,然後在全國封路示威,最後針對民選政府試圖發動政變,這件事你遲早必須向人民負責。)」
示威者 Pablo Merma:「We are not pro-Evo Morales (former Bolivian president) or pro-Arce (Bolivian President Luis Arce). We are fighting for the food basket. The price of a sack of rice has gone up 200 %. There is no diesel, gasoline, or dollars. What are we going to live on? We are starving. As native Indigenous peoples and peasants, we are not going to allow this.(我們不是站在Morales這邊、或是站在Arce這邊,而是為吃飽飯,奮鬥一袋米的價格漲了兩倍,柴油、汽油、美元都已經消失了,我們要怎麼過生活?我們要餓死了,身為原住民、身為農民,我們不會允許這種事發生。)」