學生 11-YEAR-OLD STUDENT,Shakila Fitriyani:「I’m happy because I get nutritious food, milk and fruits. so I’m excited to go to school.(我很開心有了營養午餐還有牛奶和水果,所以我很期待去上學。)」
11歲的小學生Shakila Fitriyani與母親一起走出家門,臉上洋溢著幸福的笑容,Shakila的日常因為有了免費營養午餐而改變,這不僅讓她更期待上學,也改善了她的飲食習慣。
學童免費營養午餐計畫是新任印尼總統普拉伯沃(Prabowo Subianto)競選承諾之一,預計耗資2800萬美元(約新台幣9億元),為全國8300萬兒童和孕婦提供免費膳食,也要求設立國家營養局(National Nutrition Agency),數據顯示印尼有高達21.5%的5歲以下兒童,面臨生長遲緩問題。
廚房經理 25-YEAR-OLD KITCHEN MANAGER,Pahmi Idris:「One thing I am proud about is the children’s participation rate in school has increased. Their physical fitness has also increased, and this (project) can mobilize the economy in the surrounding area.(我最感到驕傲的是學生的上學意願提高,他們的身體素質也變好了,而且這個計畫還能帶動當地經濟。)」
廚房經理 25-YEAR-OLD KITCHEN MANAGER,Pahmi Idris:「The employees in this unit can definitely cook. The issue is whether they can cook on a larger scale that can reach 3,000 servings a day with 200kg (441lbs) of rice, 300kg (661lbs) of chicken. This is a challenge because they have to use gloves, masks, hairnets and aprons, and it is a challenge whether they can do it.(我們的員工確實有烹飪能力,但問題在於是否能夠擴大量能達到每天製作3000份餐點的規模,大約一天就要用到200公斤的米、300公斤的雞肉,這對員工來說是個挑戰,因為他們必須戴上手套、口罩、衛生網帽和圍裙,他們能否做到確實是個挑戰。)」
雅加達經濟與金融發展研究所(INDEF)分析師 INDEF ANALYST AND RESEARCHER,Izzudin Al Farras Adha:「The main challenge is the management of governance because the various stakeholders involved aren’t just from the process of food ingredients to cooking. There’s imports as well, meaning that there are a lot of parties involved, therefore the implementation must be monitored and evaluated. With a very diverse community context and varied geographies, it is impossible for one mechanism for the free nutritious meal programme to be established for all regions. Do not let the MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise) involved in this programme lose money, that should not happen. Moreover, this (free nutritious meal programme) should not encourage massive imports, this must be avoided because this is expected to encourage the local agricultural sector and should not encourage massive imports. I believe these aren’t negotiable.(最大的挑戰在於管理執行,因為這不僅關係到食物烹飪過程,還涉及食材進口問題,意味著牽涉單位相當廣泛,執行過程必須被監督和評估,印尼社會和地理的相當多元分歧,不可能制定一套,適用所有地區的免費營養午餐計畫管理機制,我們不能讓參與這項計畫的中小企業虧錢、絕對不行,此外不能導致大量進口,因為我們希望推廣在地農業避免仰賴進口,我認為這沒得商量。)」