
56國代表齊聚CHOGM 聚焦氣遷議題




大英國協秘書長 Patricia Scotland:「And it was right that it was here that the Commonwealth came together to really question what can we now do about sea level rise because the threat of sea level rise is omnipresent for each and every one of our islands.(正因如此大英國協選擇齊聚在這裡,真正去捫心自問, 我們現在該如何應對海平面上升,因為海平面上升帶來的威脅,對我們每一個島嶼來說,都是無處不在的。)」


大英國協秘書長 Patricia Scotland:「So what the ocean declaration seeks to do and to say is that once your marine boundaries are fixed, they’re fixed in perpetuity. So no one can steal your island. So this ocean declaration is a real groundbreaker and we are incredibly proud of it.(這份海洋宣言想要傳達的是,一旦國家的海洋邊界確定了,它就永遠有效,沒有人可以奪走你們的島嶼,這份海洋宣言是開創性的一步,我們為此感到非常自豪。)」


薩摩亞氣候倡議者 Brianna Fruean:「And when there’s coral bleaching, the fish aren’t around our reefs, and then the ocean is warming, and so the fish is going out further. And our fisher folk, who normally only go a certain distance outside of their villages to fish, they’re having to go further. And then some of them are finding that it’s unsafe to go so far out, because the fish have had to go deeper, because the ocean’s so warm.(當珊瑚白化時,魚類就不再聚集在我們的礁石附近,海水變暖,魚就會游得更遠;而我們的漁民,平時只到離村子不遠的地方捕魚,但現在他們得去更遠的地方,有些漁民會覺得出海這麼遠也不安全,但是海水太暖了,魚群被迫游得更深。)」

薩摩亞國會議員 Lenatai Victor Tamapua:「the king tide today is about twice that it was 20, 30 years ago, and that is affecting our land, and it’s eating away at some of the areas that are so hard for us to control, and people will… are needing to move inwards, inland now.(現在的特大潮已經是二、三十年前的兩倍,它對我們的土地造成很大的影響,甚至侵蝕了一些我們很難控制的區域,現在人們已經需要往內陸搬遷了。)」


薩摩亞航海協會主席 Leota Fitimaula Donna Aiono Le Tagaloa-Ioane:「So it’s (being on Gaualofa and learning about voyaging) really, really fantastic, because it has an impact on the students who are so used to being in a classroom, and then all of a sudden they’re out there for a week or so in the elements, seeing the coral, snorkelling, you know, planting seedlings in the mangroves, cleaning up trash and everything. And I think, to be resilient, to learn how to adapt, that’s always been part of who we are as people. Being a voyager, you need to trim your sails, you need to read the winds, you need to change your course, you need to move your foe (paddle), and you need to raise your board so that you’re moving in the right direction. I think we have to apply that to what we’re seeing.(學習傳統航海是很棒的,因為它對學生有很大的影響,尤其他們習慣了在教室裡上課,現在忽然之間,他們要在外面待上一週置身於自然環境當中,觀察珊瑚、浮潛,在紅樹林種植樹苗 、清理垃圾等等。我認為保持韌性,學會調適,這是我們生而為人的一部分。作為一個航海者,你需要調整你的帆,讀懂風向;你需要改變航道、擺動划槳,你可能還需要調整船板,這樣才能朝著正確的方向前進,我認為我們必須將這樣的方法,應用到我們正在面對的挑戰。)」





【魯凱族語】ta‘avalra ‘i tatolohae ni|萬山部落勇士祭的由來

  1. ta‘avalra
  2. molapangolai
  3. asavasavahe
  4. atamatama
