
第一批族群鬥士遺骨尋回 9月安葬南非


南非總統 Cyril Ramaphosa:「Decades ago, these freedom fighters left a country that was at war with itself. They left a country in which the fundamental rights of its people were brutally and cruelly suppressed by the system of apartheid which was declared a crime against humanity.」

南非在20世紀下半葉,實施嚴格的種族隔離制度,反對種族隔離的運動遭到血腥鎮壓,許多運動者逃到國外就再也沒能回家;例如這次遺骨返回南非的Basil February,在60年代加入反種族隔離的武裝抗爭,但1967年在現在辛巴威國境內籌畫行動時遭到殺害,他的家人始終不知道他的遺骨下落,直到今年才在辛巴威政府合作下找到他的墓地,展開移靈安葬。

反種族隔離運動者弟弟 Terry February:「We did not know that his remains were in exactly this spot where it is now, we’ve been looking for that for many, many, many years. For decades in fact, since 1967. And so, we made effort during the years to try and find where his burial site will be, but we were obviously unsuccessful, and it was, I think, about two years ago, with the cooperation of the Zimbabwean government that our structures in South Africa were notified that they think they have found Basil’s remains, his gravesite.」


南非國家檢察機關失蹤人口任務小組組長 Madeleine Fullard:「Our mandate is to search for the remains of those who disappeared or died in, or as a result of, the conflicts of the past, and we’ve mainly worked inside South Africa to date, but this is now the launch of a process of tracing those who died or disappeared outside the borders of South Africa, and to bring them home for their families where possible.」


反種族隔離運動者女兒 Lindiwe Xabanisa:「If it’s possible that people who have passed on can see us.
He is so very very happy,
that today, my only child my only daughter
made sure that at last, I return back to South Africa where he was coming from.
Do you understand?
He is going to rest in peace on the land,
where he came from. In his soil


反種族隔離運動者弟弟 Terry February:「Do I believe that this could have happened earlier? Absolutely. It could have happened earlier. It would have been great if this could have happened when my mother was alive. She mourned from the day when Basil died, when we received the news so brutally from the security branches in those years. Who said:”we are just here to tell you that we have killed your pig”. And mom collapsed, she went into a comma but from that moment on she mourned. All the years.」





【魯凱族語】ta‘avalra ‘i tatolohae ni|萬山部落勇士祭的由來

  1. ta‘avalra
  2. molapangolai
  3. asavasavahe
  4. atamatama
