Southport鎮居民 Necati ayan:「You know it’s so shocking we’re in a seaside town children should be able to enjoy their summer holidays. And at the beginning of it (summer holidays), this tragedy’s happened.(這真的非常可怕,我們生活在一個沿海城市,孩子們應該是要享受他們的暑假,而假期才剛開始、悲劇就發生了。)」
舞蹈班命案後,疑似英國極右翼煽動者在社群媒體上,謠傳凶手為伊斯蘭移民,引發騷動。反穆斯林和反移民團體情緒高漲,在多個城市裡走上街頭手舉牌子抗議,甚至演變成激烈暴動,攻擊警車、破壞難民旅館和清真寺,這也是英國繼2011年倫敦騷亂,13年來規模最大的暴動事件。新上任的英國首相施凱爾(Keir Starmer)特別發出聲明。
英國首相 施凱爾:「Whatever the apparent motivation, this is not protest. It is pure violence. And we will not tolerate attacks on mosques or our Muslim communities. It is obvious to me, and I think obvious to anybody looking in, that so far as the far right is concerned this is coordinated, this is deliberate. (無論表面上的動機如何,這都不是抗議行動而是完全的暴力,我們不會容忍對清真寺或穆斯林社區的攻擊。我認為很明顯而且對任何已經看穿的人也很明顯,我們該擔心的就是極右翼的操作,他們是有計畫性的故意為之。) 」
英國首相 施凱爾:「And let me also say to large social media companies and those who run them violent disorder clearly whipped up online. That is also a crime. It’s happening on your premises and the law must be upheld everywhere. (我也要對這些大型社交媒體公司及平台運營者說,在網上煽動暴力動亂的行為這也是犯罪,這發生在你們的平台,而法律執行是不分地點的。)」
照護機構工作者 Saminata Bangura:「They even burned down the library, I’m really scared. Even when I’m going to work, I’m scared. Even now I just want to come and do one or two things. And then I’ll go home because I’m really scared because of my (skin) colour. (他們甚至燒毀了圖書館,我真的很害怕,我出門工作時我也害怕,甚至現在我只敢出門做一兩件事就趕快回家,因為我擔心我的膚色會遭受歧視而感到非常害怕。)」
社工 Saba Ahmed:「I’d say surprise isn’t something that comes to mind when, you know, when you’re a person of colour, when you’re Muslim, when you’re a woman, you know, it doesn’t come as a surprise when things like this happen. I’d say I was really scared. I could see straight off how that (riots) was going to escalate. (我並沒有感到很驚訝,當你是一名有色人種、穆斯林或女性,這樣的事情發生時就覺得其實不意外;但我真的很害怕,我一眼就能看出這場騷亂之後會變得多嚴重。)」
反極右翼暴動的民眾 Lee Monaghan:「Look at all the different complexions of people, the whole of different religions and races. Everyone hugging each other, shaking each other’s hands, getting given water. Do you know what I mean? And this is what this area’s about. 看看各種不同膚色、宗教和種族的人,大家互相擁抱、握手還有水喝,這就是我們這個地區的精神。)」
反極右翼暴動的民眾 Muhammad Khalil:「You don’t want an exclusive society where certain people are always going to be marginalised, where certain people are always going to be feeling the threat if they go into town or into another area where their people don’t exist. That’s all, you know, everybody wants to live in peace. (每個人只是想要和平生存,讓某些人總是被邊緣化,我們不想要一個排外的社會,讓某些人在進入城鎮或其他地區時,時刻感到威脅,讓某些人感到不被接受,就是這樣。)」