阿巴拉契中學學生15-YEAR-OLD APALACHEE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT Guray Chapman:「I was walking back to class and I heard gunshots and banging on a locker in the hallway, and I was banging on my classroom door and luckily my teacher was right there, about to turn off the light and let me in. And I ran in and isolated with the other students. And it was just very scary how we just, I didn’t really think it was happening. I thought it was just like a procedure.」
喬治亞州調查局局長 DIRECTOR OF THE GEORGIA BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Chris Hosey:「He is a 14-year-old student here at the high school. Again, he has been taken into custody. He will be charged with murder and he will be tried as an adult and handled as an adult.」
這名少年犯Colt Gray,早在去年便因在網路上威脅要進行校園槍擊而被當地執法部門訊問;然而,僅僅14歲的Colt怎麼會擁有槍械?Colt面臨4項重罪謀殺罪,而他的父親Colin Gray則以槍擊事件關係人被拘捕。
喬治亞州調查局局長 DIRECTOR OF THE GEORGIA BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Chris Hosey:「He (Colin Gray) is charged with the following:Four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children. These charges stem from Mr. Gray knowingly allowing his son, Colt, to possess a weapon.」
(他(Colin Gray)面臨以下指控:4項過失殺人罪、2項二級謀殺罪以及8項虐待兒童罪;這些指控是基於Gray先生明知故犯,允許他的兒子Colt持有武器。)
巴羅縣高等法院法官Barrow County Superior Court Judge Currie Mingledorff II:「Except for the fact that, you are under 18 years old. So I wanted to inform you and make it clear to you that the penalty for the crimes for which you are charged does not include death. It includes, life without the possibility of parole or life with the possibility of parole.」
喬治亞葛尼特學院抗議學生 DEMONSTRATOR, 18, STUDENT AT GEORGIA GWINNETT COLLEGE Gretchen Gierlach:「I think I feel like these words need to be said. I feel like I’m saying them to the United States. America has failed our children. America has failed our educators and our school systems. Gun violence is a serious, serious issue in America. Sadly, this county has become another statistic.」
巴羅縣警長 BARROW COUNTY SHERIFF, Jud Smith:「I was born and raised here. I went to school in the school system. My kids go to the school system. I’m proud of this school system. My heart hurts for these kids. My heart hurts for our community. But I want to make it very clear that hate will not prevail in this county. I want that to be very clear and known. Love will prevail over what happened today. I assure you of that.」