經由倖存者的口述,揭開不可告人的歷史傷疤,今年8月上映的紀錄片《Sugarcane》,由原住民電影製片Julian Brave NoiseCat與加拿大製片Emily Kassie共同執導,以一項調查為背景,講述加拿大卑詩省聖若瑟寄宿學校,在1886年到1981年對原住民兒童犯下的殘忍暴行和同化手段,其中倖存者就包括導演NoiseCat的父親和長輩們。
電影製片/導演 Julian Brave NoiseCat:「You know, with respect to Saint Joseph’s Mission and my own family, you know, the truth of what actually happened at these schools is still not known. It’s still not even really discussed in the very families that lived through, for example, the infanticide that we document in ‘Sugarcane’ for the very first time.(關於聖若瑟寄宿學校和我自己的家人,在這些寄宿學校實際發生的事情,真相仍不得而知,甚至連經歷過這段歷史的家庭,都沒有真正討論過這些事情,例如我們在《Sugarcane》這部作品首次提到殺嬰事件。)」
電影製片/導演 Julian Brave NoiseCat:「I think the conversation about reconciliation, about repair, is essential, of course. And I think that that should be driven by survivors and the nations themselves. And at the most basic level, you know, this film is supposed to inspire those kinds of discussions for people like, you know, me and my dad and my kyé7e (grandma) and non-native people who, you know, also I’m sure have things in their own families that they don’t talk about.(促進和解與修復的對話當然是不可或缺的,而且我認為必須要由倖存者和國家共同來推動,在最基本的層面,希望這部紀錄片能開啟更多這種對話,尤其是像我、我父親和奶奶這樣的人,當然還有非原住民族人,我相信在他們自己的家庭也有一些不談論的事情。)」
溫尼伯原住民電影製片聯盟 執行總監 Amanda Kindzierski:「so that we can make sure there is authenticity, that there is care that’s happening in this industry because there’s so much money going to indigenous stories that people are taking and maybe not thinking about how do we take care of others and make sure we are telling stories in a good way. My goal was 50 short films for the year and we are on track.(這樣我們可以確保作品真實性,在影視產業發生的事情也受到關注,目前有很多資金支持原住民族說故事,但或許沒有考量到,我們該如何幫助其他族人,確保我們能以好的方式說故事,我今年的目標是製作50部短片,我們團隊正努力達到目標。)」
溫尼伯原住民電影製片聯盟助理總監 Rachel Beaulieu:「I am so proud that I have the language in there but I am also proud that the people that were a part of it, 80% of filmmakers were indigenous on set, so having a budget from indigenous screen office and being able to hire indigenous filmmakers and indigenous actors and just to tell authentic indigenous stories.(我很自豪在自己的作品使用族語,我也為所有劇組人員感到驕傲,電影製作團隊有80%都是原住民,多虧有Indigenous Screen Office的資助,讓我能夠聘請原住民族電影製作人員和演員,講述最真實的原住民族故事。)」