
博物館不符新規定 暫時關閉原民文物展區



美國自然歷史博物館館長 Sean Decatur:「In January of this year, we closed the two halls in the museum, one, dedicated to Native American groups from the Eastern Woodlands and the other Native American groups from the Great Plains. These halls had about 1,800 objects in them that we believe fell under the regulations of, the updated regulations of the new NAGPRA, the Native American Graves Protection Repatriation Act.(今年一月,我們關閉博物館兩個展區,其中一個展區主題是東方林地的原住民族群;另一個則是大平原的原住民族群,兩個展區大約有1,800件文物,我們認為會受到,美洲原住民墓地保護與歸還法,子法規定修正的影響。)」

美國首位原住民內政部長Deb Haaland,今年初宣布修正相關法規,規定博物館展出原住民族文物,必須獲得該族群諮商同意,並且要求博物館必須在五年內做好準備,將館藏中的人類遺骨與喪葬相關文物返還原住民族。博物館展開這樣的諮商過程前,相關展區都必須暫時關閉。

Lenape中心理事長 Joe Baker:「The new legislation that was brought forward by the Biden administration that really now requires museums to work directly with communities, native communities and ask for participation in what can be exhibited.(拜登政府頒布的新法規,要求博物館與原住民社群直接合作,文物能否展出必須請求原住民族人同意。)」


Lenape中心理事長 Joe Baker:「At the American Museum of Natural History, it’s inappropriate that the doll would ever be exhibited because of its ceremonial and sacred nature, number one. And number two, it was, sort of placed in a case, a thematic domestic kind of scene, along with wooden spoons and wooden bowls. Much like you would expect, like a child’s doll.(美國自然歷史博物館,展出這個人偶本來就不適合,首先是人偶的儀式性與神聖性,第二是人偶被擺放的展區,是家居生活主題放在木湯匙、木碗旁,彷彿是小孩的玩偶一樣。)」


美國自然歷史博物館館長 Sean Decatur:「It’s understandable that there’s frustration over how long this process takes because, you know, this is a, you know, it’s a wrong that’s been perpetuated for more than a century. At the same time, we also want to get this right. And to do this in a way that given the, the scale of the number of objects that we have here that we are sort of building up a way to move forward and complete all of the work.(我可以理解時間這麼久讓人不滿,因為畢竟這樣的不義,已經持續超過一世紀,但我們現在也要把事情做對,而且進行的方式,要考慮到文物這麼多、要建立一套方法完成這樣的任務。)」

Lenape中心理事長 Joe Baker:「My response to that is, that’s your problem. That’s part of your culture. Fix it. If things move slowly, then address that.(我的回應是,這是你的問題、這是你們的文化,你們要解決事情進行得慢,就要想辦法。)」


Lenape中心理事長 Joe Baker:「The collections, that they are a part of our story. They’re part of our family. We need them home. We need them close. We need to be able to care for them.(這些展品都是我們故事一部份、是我們的家人,我們需要祂們回來我們身邊,讓我們好好照顧祂們。)」




【魯凱族語】ta‘avalra ‘i tatolohae ni|萬山部落勇士祭的由來

  1. ta‘avalra
  2. molapangolai
  3. asavasavahe
  4. atamatama
