第24屆《伽瑪傳統文化節(Garma Festival)》,8月2日到8月5日,一連四天在澳洲北領地盛大舉辦,展現當地Yolngu族的傳統藝術、樂舞及故事;多年來,不只是該地區氏族和家庭的重要聚會,也是慶祝原住民族文化相當具指標性的全國性活動。
主辦方Yothu Yindi基金會執行長 Denise Bowden:「Really Garma is a gathering place it has always been some 60–thousand years before Garma even existed. So very traditionally a significant ceremonial grounds and obviously the Gumatj people are the Traditional Owners who share this very generously with the nation.」
這是繼去年國會原民之聲入憲公投失敗後第一次舉辦文化節,因此主辦方特別將主題訂為「火焰、力量及復甦(Fire, Strength, and Renewal)」,因為對Yolngu族人來說,火是一切生命的根源、與萬物重生有著緊密連結,希望藉由這場年度盛會凝聚族人,重新制定未來方向。
主辦方Yothu Yindi基金會主席 Djawa Yunupingu:「Fire, one, it burns the country. After the burn, everything rejuvenates, the land itself, the rain comes and cleanses the country, that is what our thoughts are on the new plants that are emerging, our new leaders are emerging in that way.」
「We want Albanese to listen to us again, regardless of the defeated referendum.」
澳洲總理 Anthony Albanese:「We’re working right across the framework with economic empowerment being the key to that long term sustainability. But also how do we improve education outcomes? How do we close the gap when it comes to health outcomes? There’s not a single commitment that will fix what is not so much a gap, that it’s a chasm that exists between First Nations people and other Australians.」
澳洲北領地警察局長 Michael Murphy:「Today, as the police commissioner for the Northern Territory, I unequivocally say, I’m deeply sorry to all Aboriginal Territorians for the past harms and the injustices caused by members of the Northern Territory Police.」
「I stand here today, to publicly commit to lead that change, to transform relations between police and Aboriginal people.」
前澳洲原住民族事務部長 Linda Burney:「Where it was very difficult reading was to see no change in the outcomes in terms of life expectancy we still had 8.8 years for men, 8.1years for women and of course the incarceration rates are still extremely difficult. We’re seeing slight differences but not differences enough.」
澳洲原住民族事務部長 Malarndirri McCarthy:「We have to do this together with first nations organizations, one of the things our government absolutely committed on is making sure we are walking with first nations organizations and people in the decision–making process, but somewhere in that decision–making process, we still don’t seem to be able to achieve the better outcome in those targets.」