9月29日,奧地利極右派政黨自由黨(FPO)在55歲黨魁基克(Herbert Kickl)領導下,贏得28.8%選票,締造創黨70年來以來,首度成為國會最大黨的歷史性佳績。而現任總理內哈默(Karl Nehammer)領導的保守派人民黨(OVP),估計以26.2%得票率排名第二。
自由黨黨魁FPO PARTY LEADER 基克:「When I say that we have made history, I mean two things. On the one hand, we have made party history, And the second thing is that we have made Austrian history because this is the first time that the Freedom Party has been number one in the National Council elections.(當我提到我們創造了歷史代表著兩件事,第一我們創下自由黨(得票率)的歷史紀錄,另一方面,我們也創造了奧地利的歷史,因為這是自由黨首次在國會選舉中成為第一大黨。」)
奧地利總理 AUSTRIAN CHANCELLOR AND OVP MAIN CANDIDATE 內哈默:「But I have always said that you cannot reasonably and responsibly run a state with Herbert Kickl, a man who believes in conspiracy theories that accuse the WHO of being the next world government and the meeting in Davos (World Economic Forum) of being a preparatory meeting for world domination. And I still stand by that.(但我始終強調與基克這樣的人一起,是無法合理且負責任地治理國家,這個男人篤信陰謀論,指控WHO會是下一個世界政府,還說世界經濟論壇是為統治世界的籌備會議。這點(反對基克)我到現在仍然堅持。」)
抗議者 SENIOR PROTESTER Johanna Franz:「That means social cuts for Austria. That means lower salaries. That means a catastrophe, especially for migrants. And for the women who are demonstrating in favour of abortion again.(這(自由黨勝選)意味著奧地利的社會福利會被削減,意味著工資會降低,對移民來說更是一場災難,還有那些為墮胎權再次發起示威的女性們。」)
抗議者PROTESTER Vincent:「What I fear with the election result is that the OVP will once again show no backbone, as it does after every election to the National Council, and simply enter into a coalition with the FPO and then we’ll have five years of fascist shit again. If the FPO doesn’t get into government, we’ll have 40 percent in favour of the FPO in five years’ time. So we should think about banning the party, shouldn’t we?(我擔心這次選舉結果會讓人民黨再次變得軟弱,就像每次國會選舉後一樣,只需要與自由黨結盟就能加入政府,結果是面對五年法西斯的爛攤子,如果自由黨進不了政府,五年後將面臨有40%的人支持他們,所以我們應該考慮禁止這個政黨。」)
政治分析師 POLITICAL ANALYST AND MANAGER OF H&P PUBLIC AFFAIRS, Thomas Hofer:「I think what we have to expect is a very complicated phase of the forming of the coalition simply because on the one side, content-wise it would be logical for the People’s Party to team up with the Freedom Party. However, they would have to make a Freedom Party chancellor.(我認為我們必須預料到聯合政府組建階段會非常複雜,一方面從政策內容來看,人民黨和自由黨結盟似乎合情合理,然而就必須要由自由黨出任總理,而這顯然是他們要避免的。」)
新奧地利和自由論壇候選人 maIN CANDIDATE OF LIBERAL PARTY NEOS Beate Meinl-Reisinger:「In a democracy you need a majority.The FPO does not have a majority on its own. The question now is what solutions we can find at the negotiating table. And we will certainly need reforms, that is quite clear.(在民主制度中,你需要的是多數支持,而自由黨本身並沒有擁有多數;現在的問題是,我們能在談判桌上找到什麼解決方案,我們肯定需要改革,這一點非常明確。」