聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦公室 區域代表 Candice Welsch:「The countries where coca crops are still grown are Peru, Colombia and Bolivia, and we’ve recently identified some in Ecuador and Honduras. This shows an expansion through countries in the region. In Colombia the area where coca leaves are grown increased by 10% in 2023, going from 230,000 to 253,000 hectares.(目前仍在種植古柯葉的國家有秘魯、哥倫比亞和玻利維亞,近期我們也在厄瓜多和宏都拉斯發現一些古柯葉的種植,顯示已擴張到該區域部分國家,哥倫比亞的古柯葉種植面積,在2023年增幅約10%,從23萬公頃增加至25.3萬公頃。)」
哥倫比亞司法部長 Ángela María Buitrago:「It’s important for us to understand that the increase in global demand is fueling the increase in cultivated areas not only in Colombia, but in Peru and Bolivia as well.(重要的是我們必須要意識到,全球對古柯鹼的需求提升,不只激發哥倫比亞擴大古柯葉耕種面積,也連帶影響秘魯和玻利維亞。)」
自古以來,南美洲原住民族就有使用古柯葉的傳統,因此,在哥倫比亞部分地區的原住民族自行進行小規模的古柯葉種植其實是合法的;棘手的地方在於,哥倫比亞古柯葉主要種植地,大多受到武裝組織和販毒集團掌控,長年飽受因毒品而衍伸的問題,幾十年來,哥倫比亞當局也致力打擊非法毒品貿易;在哥倫比亞東南方的San Jose del Guaviare,許多曾經以種植古柯葉為生的農夫,現在則轉型成了導遊,投入在地生態旅遊產業。
當地農民組織營運協調員 Joaquin Vargas:「These types of attractions are extremely important because they generate alternative economies, as we call them. Previously we worked on illicit crops, planting coca, harvesting, all the chemical process (coca) went through and also to extensive cattle ranching.(這些類型的景點非常重要,因為這將成為我們所說的另類經濟,以前我們是從事非法作物種植栽種和採收古柯葉,包括整個毒品製作過程,以及大規模的養牛場。)」
當地嚮導 Amancio Caicedo:「This is of importance to us as indigenous people, this for us is very sacred. As I told you a moment ago, this is a place that hides myths, legends and stories. This is a bible for us. You learn a lot of things here.(這幅岩畫對原住民族而言很重要,對我們來說非常神聖,如同我剛才跟你說的,這裡是蘊含神話傳說和故事的地方,這對我們來說就是一本聖經,你可以從這裡學到很多東西。)」
農場主人/前古柯農民 Jose Rojas:「I feel good having switched from that illicit business to tourism and we do not miss the coca business. We do not miss it because truth be told it was a failed business. Here we work in tourism, it is legal, no one is fleeing and that makes me feel calm.(從非法產業轉向旅遊業,我覺得很好,我們不想再重拾古柯生意一點,也不留戀,因為說實話這是注定失敗的生意,在這裡我們從事旅遊業,這是合法的,再也沒有人會因恐懼而逃跑,這讓我感到平靜。)」