圓滾滾、胖嘟嘟的「Bouncy」侏儒河馬寶寶「Moo Deng」,腳步笨拙地在池塘邊嬉戲的模樣,擄獲所有大小朋友的心。
「Moo Deng」在泰文中指「跳動的小豬」,而這隻粉紅小河馬正如其名,無時無刻不充滿活力地四處蹦跳;自七月誕生以來,每天有數千名遊客湧入動物園,只為親眼看看這位可愛的「小巨星」,慕名而來的遊客也替Moo Deng所在的綠山(Khao Kheow)野生動物園帶來意外的收益。
河馬飼養員 31-YEAR-OLD HIPPO KEEPER, Atthapon Nundee:「Well, I expected that she would gain some fame but I didn’t expect she’d be this famous. I thought there would be a small number of tourists that may come to see her and she’d have some fanbase. But this, it’s so great because we’ve been gaining a lot of visitors and the zoo has been generating more income, more earnings for everyone in the zoo as well.」
Moo Deng外型嬌小可愛,最為人稱道的就是她自帶的搞笑行為,不管是形影不離河馬媽媽、還是張開大嘴追逐飼養員,誇張的模樣迷因感十足;而Moo Deng的一舉一動透過社交媒體上病毒式擴散的影片,也讓她迅速累積數百萬的粉絲。
曼谷遊客 45-YEAR-OLD TOURIST FROM BANGKOK Ekaphak Mahasawad:「I left home in Bangkok from 6:30 A.M. this morning specifically to come and see Moo Deng. I’m here just to see her.」
(我今天早上六點半從曼谷出發,就是為了來這裡看Moo Deng、專程來看她。)
遊客 10-YEAR-OLD TOURIST Jomkwan Srijan:「Moo Deng is a Pygmy Hippopotamus, I knew her from TikTok. And I wanted to come to see her today because she is so cute.」
(Moo Deng是一隻侏儒河馬,我在社交平台上認識她的;然後我今天特別來看她,因為她真的太可愛了!)
Moo Deng無敵的圈粉魅力,不僅推升周邊產品如玩具和紀念品的銷售成績,更帶動了泰國各行各業的創意。
在曼谷,一家咖啡店看準了這股河馬熱潮,推出了手工製作的Moo Deng造型蛋糕;許多人特地前來店裡,就為了一睹這個可愛的「河馬甜點」。
咖啡店業者 32-YEAR-OLD OWNER OF VETMON CAFE(MAGIC CAFE)Chalit Kulsaree:「Ever since we started making the Moo Deng cake(hippo-shaped cake), we haven’t gotten any sleep because we’ve been sculpting cakes every day until morning. But it’s also made us hundreds of thousands of baht ($3,111)in just 10 days.」
(自從我們開始製作Moo Deng的(河馬造型)蛋糕就沒有好好睡覺了,因為每天都在做蛋糕到早上,這也讓我們在十天內就達到數十萬泰銖的營收。)
除了甜點市場之外,藝術玩具市場也不放過這條商機;當地一名玩具藝術家以Moo Deng為靈感,創作出一款名為「Moo Jum」的河馬造型盲盒公仔,這款公仔以3D列印技術製作,細緻的噴漆讓每一個「Moo Jum」充滿了藝術感與收藏價值。
玩具藝術家 42-YEAR-OLD PHARMACIST AND ARTIST FOR ART TOYS THAILAND, Worachai Mattakij:「Moo Deng(the viral pygmy hippo)is literally everywhere on social media; you can’t miss it, no matter which platform you’re on-Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, you see it everywhere. It feels like I’ve been hypnotised by Moo Deng. That’s why I wanted to create my own version of a baby hippo. So, I made a mystery box because the Art Toy trend in Thailand is really popular. I made it for people to try their luck, and I’ve named it Moo Jum.」
(Moo Deng在社交媒體上隨處可見,不管你是在哪個平台上都不會錯過她、隨處可見,我覺得自己像是被Moo Deng給催眠了,因此我想打造出自己風格的小河馬,所以我設計了一款盲盒,考量到藝術玩具在泰國的盛行,我把它命名為「Moo Jum」,讓人們來試試手氣。)
搭上Moo Deng的順風車,河馬造型盲盒公仔在社交媒體上推出後預購量大幅上升,僅在兩到三天內就完成了超過1000個訂單。
玩具藝術家 42-YEAR-OLD PHARMACIST AND ARTIST FOR ART TOYS THAILAND, Worachai Mattakij:「The frenzy is a short window of profit in any SMEs businesses, it’s a benefit. And if you can grab that window of benefit, you have to act fast and harness your creativity.」
從蛋糕到藝術玩具,甚至是化妝品的時尚領域,紛紛有品牌以Moo Deng為主題推出新產品,粉紅小河馬的可愛萌樣席捲泰國市場,現身說法全球「萌文化」的商機潛力,也成為泰國自然保育和動物保護的一個象徵。