
巴黎帕運難民隊首奪牌 世界看見阿富汗女性



來自阿富汗、代表難民隊出賽的跆拳道選手Zakia Khadadadi,8月29日在巴黎帕運奪下銅牌。這是難民隊在帕運史上第一面獎牌,她除了表示十分驕傲能代表全球難民贏得榮耀,也希望世界可以看見阿富汗女性的堅強。

帕運跆拳道選手 Zakia Khadadadi:「I wore this medal to show it, the strength, for all the girls and women in my country, Afghanistan. And I hope that with this medal, it brings us together. It is won for freedom and for peace in my country.(我戴上這面獎牌,是希望彰顯我的國家阿富汗、所有女性的堅強,我希望這面獎牌可以讓我們團結,希望獻給我的國家自由與和平。)」


匿名阿富汗婦女:「Will you seal the silence of my mouth until the second order? Will you provide my water and bread until the second order? You made me a prisoner in my home for the crime of being a woman. Who should feed my children now? Now, with the money of that infidel, you live in luxury. Take away the sorrow of my children, save me from my heart. May the money of that infidel be poison to your body. Your stomach is full, but you cut off my bread and water. My voice is not ‘Aurat’.(你要讓我的嘴緘默直到禁令解除?難道你要供我吃喝直到禁令解除?你將我囚禁在家只因我是女性,現在誰餵飽我的孩子?現在你拿異教徒的錢、吃香喝辣,願我孩子的苦難消失、我從悲痛得救,願異教徒的錢化為你身體的劇毒,你自己肚子飽了,卻奪走我的麵包與水,我的聲音不是禁忌。)」

事實上,近來有許多幸運逃出阿富汗的女性,努力為自己國內的同胞發聲,希望世界持續重視阿富汗婦女逐漸被剝奪的人權,甚至不惜犧牲個人的榮耀。例如奧運難民隊的霹靂舞選手Manizha Talash,就在上場時穿著印有「解放阿富汗女性」標語的罩袍,因此被認定違反奧運場上不得出現政治標語的規定,被判失去比賽資格;但她在最近的訪問中表示,完全不後悔在場上的抗議行為。

奧運霹靂舞選手 Manizha Talash:「Lots of people ask me if it’s difficult for me to sacrifice my victory in the Olympics to transmit this message but I fact for me it’s very simple because when you want to defend a cause you can get there and do it, for me it was very important to send the message with this burka, in the form of wings that represents this possibility for Afghan women to get out with very difficult means and take flight and free themselves.(很多人問我犧牲在奧運勝利的機會,表達我的訴求是不是很困難,但其實我覺得很容易,因為想要守護自己的信念就要出去做,我覺得用這件罩袍,傳達這個訊息很重要,這像是一雙翅膀代表阿富汗婦女千辛萬苦逃走,追求自己自由的可能性。)」

而其他從阿富汗逃亡的女性,則是希望透過影像喚起世人對她們處境的關注。曾經是阿富汗電影協會會長的紀錄片導演Sahraa Karimi,在2021年塔利班奪權前夕倉促逃出,當時她拍下的畫面,曾經在社群媒體上廣為流傳,現在她與其他女性逃亡的經歷,成為最新作品的主題。


紀錄片導演 Sahraa Karimi:「I want to use this opportunity to ask international community that do not support their (Talibans’) dirty shameful narrative about Afghanistan and stand on the right side of the history and support people of Afghanistan and support women of Afghanistan, not with humanitarian aid and give them piece of bread or piece of chocolate. But, help them to get their freedom back so they will work and earn money to buy that piece of bread or chocolate for themselves.(我想利用這個機會呼籲國際社會,不要支持塔利班對阿富汗處境的說法,請站在歷史正確的一方,支持阿富汗人民、阿富汗女性,不是用人道救援給他們一塊麵包、一片巧克力,而是幫助他們贏回自由,就能工作賺錢自己買下那塊麵包、那片巧克力。)」


奧運霹靂舞選手 Manizha Talash:「I am here to say to Afghan women that they should not surrender because the reason I keep living is Afghan women. One day will come when we’ll be reunited again on our own land, together, and that day we can live together again, I want to tell them not to give up, for people who keep fighting for them.(我想向阿富汗女性說不要放棄,阿富汗女性是我生活下去的動力,總有一天我們會在自己國家團聚、一起共同生活,我要告訴她們不要放棄,還是有人在為她們奮鬥。)」





【魯凱族語】ta‘avalra ‘i tatolohae ni|萬山部落勇士祭的由來

  1. ta‘avalra
  2. molapangolai
  3. asavasavahe
  4. atamatama
