28歲的實習醫生Gauri Seth走上街頭抗議,她本應穿著白袍救死扶傷,卻為了自身安全、不得不站出來發聲;而這場抗議源自8月上旬發生的一起震驚印度的慘案。
抗議實習醫師, 28-YEAR-OLD PROTESTING TRAINEE DOCTOR Gauri Seth:「After this incident, I do not feel safe. I do not have the same confidence in me with which I used to go out at 2 o’clock in the night or 3 o’clock in the night, just for some refreshments to stay awake or I do not have the same confidence with which I used to deal aggressive patients.」
抗議醫師兼兒科學生,PROTESTING DOCTOR AND PAEDIATRICS STUDENT Antara Das:「We don’t feel safe, (I am) very scared right now because many of the times, we are on night duties, we work round the clock, we give (work in) 36-hours duty like…36-hour duty shifts are there for us. So, if this thing happened inside the hospital, that is like a second home to us, where are we safe now?」
抗議醫師兼兒科學生, PROTESTING DOCTOR AND PAEDIATRICS STUDENT Antara Das:「We will fight until the end. Proper CCTV should be installed in every corner of the hospital and also security guards should be more efficient. That we demand, in every hospital.」
抗議醫生, PROTESTING DOCTOR Dr. Alka:「It is such a crime that all of India should be ashamed…this is a free country but we want to know when will the women of this nation be free? There is no support from the government.」
印度實習醫師, INDIAN TRAINEE DOCTOR Samiya Faiz:「This is not limited to my profession. My colleagues (friends or acquaintances) working in other professions have the same complaint. This is a general concept in our society to take women less seriously as compared to men.」
印度總理, INDIAN PRIME MINISTER Narendra Modi:「As a society, we must think seriously about the atrocities against the mothers, sisters and daughters of this country. The country, our society, and the state governments will have to take this seriously. Immediate investigation and strict punishment against those who commit such monstrous crimes against women is important to instil confidence in the society.」